TRLoZ is now on the works and dont worry its not starting, its about half way through and now that I have more time FINALY to animate you can expect it to be finished around january or beginings of february :D, Sorry to keep you waiting years for each episode, thats gonna change now dont worry.
So I Hope I'll be counting with excelent Voice Talents like Francine Louise, Tine Riss, Lucien, Joshua Tomar, FP among others that I hope can fill some of these character shoes.
King Zora: nasty fat voice, not too anoying.
Amoeba: Sean William Scott kinda voice (or any cool type of voice).
If you think you can make a fiting voice even if its not what im asking above, feel free to send your demo as well!
If interested please Email me at with a short demo of the voice
you'd like to play.
Also please send mp3 files top quality.
Peace to all have a great christmas!!